Sat, 12 August 2017
Inspired by a post by Lauren Morris on diversity and a comment by Ann Crippen, pointing out the need to deal with diversity issues in Improv. With our special guest Dale Smith, longtime Zenprov listener and Director of Marketing for SAK Comedy Lab in Orlando, we explore a zen approach at understanding the issue of diversity, inclusiveness and what it says about the health of our art form as well as thigh health of our individual projects.
Mon, 16 January 2017
With the election of Donald Trump creating a wave of strong reactions around the world politics is currently a very important and relevant subject to include in your shows. It is also a minefield that can leave people offended and angry and leave any troupe ultimately very lonely on show nights. This episode deals with using the Buddha's tests for Right Speech to ensure you are coming from a pure and loving place so that you can effectively communicate with your audience. It can also be used in your daily life in dealing with the current political situations around the world.
Sun, 5 June 2016
Our first post heart transplant episode talks about our experiences in the hospital and beyond with the greatest lesson we both learned from this experience. This is all about Surrender. We have talked about letting go and trusting in the past. This is light years beyond that. Surrender is an order of magnitude beyond anything we have talked about before. Enjoy!
Sat, 9 January 2016
In September we received a request from a listener to do a short Podcast on the subject of Buddai which everyone thinks is the Buddha. You've seen the little smiling fat guy in Chinese restaurants? That's Buddai. In this short Podcast we will tell you all about Buddai and why he is so often confused with the Buddha.
Tue, 22 September 2015
On our 60th Episode we go to the fundamental ground of everything as we discuss the role of Love in our performance and our preparation as well as our daily lives. |
Mon, 3 August 2015
Back from a ten day intensive Vipassana retreat Nancy and Marshall share their experiences and insights in this somewhat extended Episode.
Sun, 19 July 2015
In a few days Nancy and Marshall will be attending a ten day intensive silent meditation retreat known as Vipassana. Issues related to meditation and letting go are discussed in preperation for the retreat. This is the first part of a two parter, the second half of which will be recorded and uploaded after the ten day Vipassana.
Wed, 11 March 2015
Understanding the Nature of the True Self as opposed to remaining stuck in your ego is the key to solving any number of issues in your performance and your life. In this Episode Nancy and Marshall explore the ins and outs of accessing the Source of Genius by becoming who you really are.
Sun, 23 November 2014
Some of the most important concepts in Buddhism are Impermanence and Dependent Co-Arising which will be discussed in this episode in the context of the constantly changing reality of the world and how to ride the wave of change rather than getting lost in it.
Tue, 6 May 2014
The core of Zen Buddhist thought is the Four Noble Truths and the Noble eightfold path which get very specific about the characteristics you need to develop in yourself for a succesful life. They also happen to apply ver well to improv as well as you will find out when you listen to this episode.
Wed, 12 February 2014
In this episode we discuss short term (right before the show) and long term (for rehearsals and in daily life) things you can do to prepare and improve your performance and of course, most importantly your life. We have a lot of practical exercises in this one.
Sat, 11 January 2014
In a scene we want and audience to see only the character but the actor must be present as well if in a diminished backstage way. This balance which must be struck between the improviser, the character and the ultimate Actor is the topic of this Episode. |
Mon, 15 July 2013
In that past we have discussed short form improv and long form improv. Today we are discussing the longest form of improv there is, an Improvised Life! |
Sat, 23 March 2013
As Improvisers we are taught early on that we must say yes. In this episode we explore the full implications of this word and the attitude you must cultivate to fully engage with the spirit of yes. Does this mean the word and the idea are deeper than we normally think of? YES! |
Mon, 9 July 2012
Last Podcast we revealed our Unified Field Theory of Zenprov which cebters around using emotion as a doorway to the Source. Since then we have taught workshops in the UK and have learned some lessons about emotions we are sharing in this podcast. This marks the beginning of an exploration into the world of Emotion looked at in a new light that will transform your performance and your life. |
Wed, 29 February 2012
After publishing E=MC2, Einstein spent the rest of his life in an unfulfilled search for a Unified Field Theory which could explain all tyhe physics of the universe in one elegant formula. He failed but we have succeeded. In this episode we share the discovery we made about a year ago that we have been tyesting and working out ever since. Now at last we are ready to share it. How's that for a sales pitch? Seriously though this episode centers on the one essential beginning middle and end seed of Improv without which there is no art and in the presence of which, genius is always attainable. |
Fri, 5 August 2011
Studies find that people are more creative when they are performing a task for others. Can this be because their ego is not engaged? We explore this and other issues in an exploration of the role of the ego in the creative process. |
Fri, 5 August 2011
After a long layoff we are back and on this episode we discuss the idea of space as in creating your space in all its dimensions and how to make sure your intention is communicated by how you create your space. |
Tue, 1 February 2011
A scene is composed of many moving parts including, characters, relationships, objectives and environment. We have discovered a tool that you can use to simultaneously and effortlessly create three dimensions in all of these areas so that everything you bring to the stage passes the test of authenticity. |
Thu, 9 December 2010
Yes, it's a corny, New Agey, bad play on words, but actually being Nowerful is amazing. In this Episode we explore the ramifications of being and not being in the present moment and how that relates to your life and performance. We also go into a deeper way of looking at Yes And.
Thu, 4 November 2010
It is said that a fish does not know water because it is surrounded by it and in taking it for granted does not notice it. In the same way, habitual behavior on our part keeps us from seeing the sea of miracles in which we swim. I this episode we attempt to make the invisible visible.
Fri, 10 September 2010
Failure and the fear it engenders can stop us from reaching our full potential and living a joyful life. In this episode we discuss how to embrace failure as a positive thing and how just a little bit of space can make all the difference.
Fri, 30 July 2010
There are three doorways that lead to freedom from the blocks that keep you from being fully present. In this episode we discuss the importance of being fully present, what those three doorways are and how to enter them to free yourself. As always this is then related to Improv.
Mon, 12 July 2010
What is the difference between knowing something and believing something? It seems like almost the same thing but the difference is all important. In this podcast we discuss the importance of knowing what you know, and not knowing what you don't know. Believing is not the same as knowing and knowing is everything.
Sun, 13 June 2010
Why is Attention so powerful ? In this episode we discuss Attention, what it is and how to use it. As usual we cover attention in your stagecraft as well as in your life.
Sun, 23 May 2010
Sparked by ideas presented in our Yesand.Com article. we take a deeper look at the role of Art and Craft in Improv. We define Art and Craft and explain why both are necessary to creating works of genius.
Wed, 24 March 2010
We are back after a long hiatus due to health issues with an episode about the difference between direct experiential living and the mode of thought that keeps us living in an ongoing narration of our lives. Of course we also deal with how this relates to your performance of Improv as well as your life. The parable of the finger and the moon are used to illustrate this point.
Thu, 24 December 2009
With Marshall having had a small heart attack and facing a risky third bypass operation, we take this situation and opportunity to talk about Zen in action and how it works in practice. Even with all of that it is still connected to the art of Improv.
Wed, 7 October 2009
Playing it safe will keep you from making any big goof ups but it will also keep you from brilliance. Learning to hear and trust the Source of Genuis is discussed with some practical tips at the end for how to accomplish this consistently. |
Mon, 6 July 2009
For many of us our relationships and our lives are built around varying degrees of fending off attacks and setting up defences. What we fail to realize is that all attack is defence and all defence is impossible. In this episode we explore the idea of defenslessness as the strongest position both in life and as an actor.
Direct download: Episode_35_Attack_and_Defenselessness.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:59pm EDT |
Wed, 27 May 2009
Upon returning from our Cross Atlantic adventure we discuss the lessons of a month spent teaching and travelling. Special focus upon the idea of applying Zen lessons to everyday life in a way that enhances your life as well as your art. Everything is a gift, it's all in the way you use your mind.
Wed, 15 April 2009
What does being awake look like? What keeps us from waking up? How do we know if and when we are awake? This episode builds on, and is a continuation of the last one, on Symbols. Waking up and living in a fully conscious state is not as hard nor as far away as you may think.
Mon, 16 March 2009
We live in a universe of symbols, some of which we are conscious of and some of which we are not. In this Episode we discuss symbols as tools that can be used to build deep meanings in our scenework, lend textures to our characters and of course, add depth to our lives as well.
Direct download: Episode_32_Symbols-_The_Language_Of_The_Dream.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:40pm EDT |
Fri, 6 March 2009
The Zen approach to Teaching and Directing have in common, the goal of guiding actors to the Source of Genius. In this Episode, Marshall and Nancy discuss Zen Teaching methods and philosophies and talk in depth about the realities and potential pitfalls to be avoided whether you are teaching, directing or performing or all three at once.
Direct download: Episode_31_The_Zen_Of_Teaching_and_Directing.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:39pm EDT |
Fri, 20 February 2009
The wheel as represented by the Yin Yang symbol is in constant dynamic motion. When we recognize this, we understand impermanence and learn to flow with the ever changing nature of the present moment. In this episode we discuss how to use this knowledge to find the source of genius. Practical methods are shared for syncing up with the great turning of the Dharma Wheel.
Mon, 5 January 2009
Realtionships in Improv Troupes. Are they good, bad or something else? What are the ideal relationships to have within the Improv milleau? What is a relationship in the Zen sense of reality? Do mixed marriages work? Lots of questions, surprising answers.
Thu, 27 November 2008
A deeper exploration of the issue of trust and how it relates to your paradigm. How changing your perspective can free you to trust all the time and free you and your work.
Direct download: Episode_28_Trust_Confidence_and_Control.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:29pm EDT |
Sat, 18 October 2008
What is a moment and how powerful is it? In this episode we explore this topic and introduce methods for finding and living in the present moment.
Wed, 10 September 2008
This episode examines Short Form improv. We discuss the oft overlooked positive side of Short Form, taking a look at the unique skill sets and important elements of this commercially viable and often undervalued form of Improv.
Mon, 25 August 2008
A square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not necessarily a square. An improvisor is an actor but an actor is not neccesarily an improvisor. This episode centers on why Improvisors should do legit theater and Actors should do Improv.
Wed, 16 July 2008
Marshall's dear friend Michael Aronoff who is a Buddhist meditation teacher and yoga instructor talks with Marshall and Nancy about what is zen and how it relates to improv. This is the Zen side of Zenprov.
Wed, 2 July 2008
Music is often an integral part of Improv. Why is it important? What exactly is music? How do you do it well? What is the Zen approach to Music? We cover all of this and more.
Wed, 18 June 2008
Blocked or I Don't Care. In this Episode we cover the dreaded blocks that happen from time to time to every creative person, from a personal perspective. We look at how blocks occur, what brings them on and most importantly how to deal with them.
Thu, 8 May 2008
Where do you find the Juice that makes scenes compelling to watch and allows you to create scenes that unfold in an organic way? How can you use these techniques to make your life better off stage? Episode 21 explores the topic of Objectives in life and on stage.
Mon, 28 April 2008
On the weekend of April 26th/27th we conducted our first Zenprov weekend intensive at the Brave New Workshop in Minneapolis. The Brave New Workshop or BNW as it is known, is the oldest improv theater in the country (that's right, older than Second City) and it's teaching arm, The Brave New Institute, places a high value on organic improv. At end of the weekend workshop we sat down for an hour with the students and teachers of BNW and the result is this Podcast. Enjoy. P.S.- If you would like to arrange for us to come and do a workshop in your town please contact us at
Direct download: Episode_20_From_The_Brave_New_Workshop.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:03pm EDT |
Mon, 24 March 2008
There is a range of experience in life which either expands our boundaries or keeps us within our comfort zones. Moving beyond boundaries involves a desire for challenges which is a vital part of the Zenprov experience. How we meet challenges and the consequences of doing so are explored.
Thu, 13 March 2008
There are ideal circumstances in which to perform. We rarely get to experience working in ideal situations and sometimes we find ourselves having to perform with everything seemingly arrayed against us. How do we achieve balance and turn a challenging gig into a huge success? The secret is equanimity.
Wed, 13 February 2008
If you want to be totally alive, which is to say be totally present, it means you have to be present with everything. In this Episode we explore the need to come to terms with the reality of death as a metaphor and as a gatekeeper. Death and change which is the defining fact of life are inseparable, therefore, paradoxically, life and death are inseparable. How does this relate to improv? Listen and you'll find out.
Mon, 28 January 2008
A scene takes place somewhere and an actor must interact with this somewhere. Where does the somewhere come from and what is the purpose of all the elements of the where? As usual we take a zen approach to answering these questions.
Tue, 15 January 2008
In this Episode we add some more thoughts on making a living as an improviser including some practical suggestions. We then cover the topic of auditioning and how to make them worthwhile even if you don't get the gig. Finally we answer some great questions posed by you, our listeners.
Direct download: Episode_15_More_Living_Auditions__Questions.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:14am EDT |
Sat, 5 January 2008
Zen is nothing if not practical. After all, it is all about what is. In this episode we address the question of whether or not you can make a living and a life using Improv. The answer is yes...and no. As in all things Zen the answer must include you in the equation. The answer can only be supplied by you, but we help by framing the important questions. As usual we offer some practical tips.
Sat, 1 December 2007
Every Improvisor knows "The Rules" which are Improv Holy Scripture. Marshall and Nancy go through "The Rules" and give a Zen interpretation which transforms the rules to useful tools.
Sat, 6 October 2007
How does Zenprov approach long form Narrative style Improv? Topics discussed include essential elements and story arc. The left brain knowledge is important in creating a cohesive narrative but the zen elements of Presence and Truth make the difference in breathing life into your show. Reading and Practicum are discussed as well.
Sun, 23 September 2007
The character/ego exists and is defined by it's relation to other characters and its' environement. In this episode we explore the workings of the ego in groups. By understanding and studying the roles we play in real life we can transfer that knowledge to the stage and create realistic and compelling scenes. Status, control and power are explored as well.
Fri, 7 September 2007
How do you create 3 dimensional characters that live and evolve and have a truth to them that breathes life into them? We explore, in this episode, what a character is and how it relates to your own ego and how that is formed. In addition to the theoretical discussion there are practical exercises for developing spontaneous full characters.
Sun, 22 July 2007
Improv is a group activity and the functioning of the group as such is essential to high performance standards. How does a group of diverse individuals acheive a state of shared access to the Source of genius and what are some of the pitfalls generally encountered on the way. This podcast is a must for Directors and anyone interested in optimizing the group dynamics of their troupe.
Wed, 11 July 2007
We are made of Truth. It is our nature. You can fight it but in one way or another the Truth always shows. Ask Bush if you don't believe us. This episode focuses on how to use this to your advantage as an actor.
Mon, 2 July 2007
"The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao", Lao Tsu from the Tao Te Ching. In this Podcast we discuss The Source of Genius source as simply, It. This is the theoretical underpinning for Zenprov.
Wed, 13 June 2007
Episode 6 focuses on trust as an essential element for brilliant improv and defines trust as a place rather than something that exists between others and self. Theoretical as well as practical applications are discussed.
Tue, 15 May 2007
Wu Wei, or Effortless Effort is the paradox at the heart of Zen and a good understanding of this principle is essential for applying Zenprov in your performance and your daily life as well.
Mon, 16 April 2007
Everything arises out of silence and returns there. Silence and stillness are explored along with practical exercises for incorporating these into your improv.
Fri, 6 April 2007
The most important skill in Improv, Listening. Defining Deep Listening and how to do it.
Fri, 30 March 2007
We begin to explore in detail the elements of Zenprov. In this episode we focus on the importance of the present moment as it relates to Improv and life.
Thu, 22 March 2007
In the inaugural podcast, Marshall and Nancy introduce themselves and discuss the origins and philosophical basis for Zenprov. The "rules" are re-examined and given a zen perspective as well as a preview of what some of the coming episodes will focus on. Oh yeah, it's fun too.