Sat, 1 December 2007
Every Improvisor knows "The Rules" which are Improv Holy Scripture. Marshall and Nancy go through "The Rules" and give a Zen interpretation which transforms the rules to useful tools.
Sat, 6 October 2007
How does Zenprov approach long form Narrative style Improv? Topics discussed include essential elements and story arc. The left brain knowledge is important in creating a cohesive narrative but the zen elements of Presence and Truth make the difference in breathing life into your show. Reading and Practicum are discussed as well.
Sun, 23 September 2007
The character/ego exists and is defined by it's relation to other characters and its' environement. In this episode we explore the workings of the ego in groups. By understanding and studying the roles we play in real life we can transfer that knowledge to the stage and create realistic and compelling scenes. Status, control and power are explored as well.
Fri, 7 September 2007
How do you create 3 dimensional characters that live and evolve and have a truth to them that breathes life into them? We explore, in this episode, what a character is and how it relates to your own ego and how that is formed. In addition to the theoretical discussion there are practical exercises for developing spontaneous full characters.
Sun, 22 July 2007
Improv is a group activity and the functioning of the group as such is essential to high performance standards. How does a group of diverse individuals acheive a state of shared access to the Source of genius and what are some of the pitfalls generally encountered on the way. This podcast is a must for Directors and anyone interested in optimizing the group dynamics of their troupe.
Wed, 11 July 2007
We are made of Truth. It is our nature. You can fight it but in one way or another the Truth always shows. Ask Bush if you don't believe us. This episode focuses on how to use this to your advantage as an actor.
Mon, 2 July 2007
"The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao", Lao Tsu from the Tao Te Ching. In this Podcast we discuss The Source of Genius source as simply, It. This is the theoretical underpinning for Zenprov.
Wed, 13 June 2007
Episode 6 focuses on trust as an essential element for brilliant improv and defines trust as a place rather than something that exists between others and self. Theoretical as well as practical applications are discussed.
Tue, 15 May 2007
Wu Wei, or Effortless Effort is the paradox at the heart of Zen and a good understanding of this principle is essential for applying Zenprov in your performance and your daily life as well.
Mon, 16 April 2007
Everything arises out of silence and returns there. Silence and stillness are explored along with practical exercises for incorporating these into your improv.
Fri, 6 April 2007
The most important skill in Improv, Listening. Defining Deep Listening and how to do it.
Fri, 30 March 2007
We begin to explore in detail the elements of Zenprov. In this episode we focus on the importance of the present moment as it relates to Improv and life.
Thu, 22 March 2007
In the inaugural podcast, Marshall and Nancy introduce themselves and discuss the origins and philosophical basis for Zenprov. The "rules" are re-examined and given a zen perspective as well as a preview of what some of the coming episodes will focus on. Oh yeah, it's fun too.