Thu, 27 November 2008
A deeper exploration of the issue of trust and how it relates to your paradigm. How changing your perspective can free you to trust all the time and free you and your work.
Direct download: Episode_28_Trust_Confidence_and_Control.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:29pm EDT |
Sat, 18 October 2008
What is a moment and how powerful is it? In this episode we explore this topic and introduce methods for finding and living in the present moment.
Wed, 10 September 2008
This episode examines Short Form improv. We discuss the oft overlooked positive side of Short Form, taking a look at the unique skill sets and important elements of this commercially viable and often undervalued form of Improv.
Mon, 25 August 2008
A square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not necessarily a square. An improvisor is an actor but an actor is not neccesarily an improvisor. This episode centers on why Improvisors should do legit theater and Actors should do Improv.
Wed, 16 July 2008
Marshall's dear friend Michael Aronoff who is a Buddhist meditation teacher and yoga instructor talks with Marshall and Nancy about what is zen and how it relates to improv. This is the Zen side of Zenprov.
Wed, 2 July 2008
Music is often an integral part of Improv. Why is it important? What exactly is music? How do you do it well? What is the Zen approach to Music? We cover all of this and more.
Wed, 18 June 2008
Blocked or I Don't Care. In this Episode we cover the dreaded blocks that happen from time to time to every creative person, from a personal perspective. We look at how blocks occur, what brings them on and most importantly how to deal with them.
Thu, 8 May 2008
Where do you find the Juice that makes scenes compelling to watch and allows you to create scenes that unfold in an organic way? How can you use these techniques to make your life better off stage? Episode 21 explores the topic of Objectives in life and on stage.
Mon, 28 April 2008
On the weekend of April 26th/27th we conducted our first Zenprov weekend intensive at the Brave New Workshop in Minneapolis. The Brave New Workshop or BNW as it is known, is the oldest improv theater in the country (that's right, older than Second City) and it's teaching arm, The Brave New Institute, places a high value on organic improv. At end of the weekend workshop we sat down for an hour with the students and teachers of BNW and the result is this Podcast. Enjoy. P.S.- If you would like to arrange for us to come and do a workshop in your town please contact us at
Direct download: Episode_20_From_The_Brave_New_Workshop.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:03pm EDT |
Mon, 24 March 2008
There is a range of experience in life which either expands our boundaries or keeps us within our comfort zones. Moving beyond boundaries involves a desire for challenges which is a vital part of the Zenprov experience. How we meet challenges and the consequences of doing so are explored.
Thu, 13 March 2008
There are ideal circumstances in which to perform. We rarely get to experience working in ideal situations and sometimes we find ourselves having to perform with everything seemingly arrayed against us. How do we achieve balance and turn a challenging gig into a huge success? The secret is equanimity.
Wed, 13 February 2008
If you want to be totally alive, which is to say be totally present, it means you have to be present with everything. In this Episode we explore the need to come to terms with the reality of death as a metaphor and as a gatekeeper. Death and change which is the defining fact of life are inseparable, therefore, paradoxically, life and death are inseparable. How does this relate to improv? Listen and you'll find out.
Mon, 28 January 2008
A scene takes place somewhere and an actor must interact with this somewhere. Where does the somewhere come from and what is the purpose of all the elements of the where? As usual we take a zen approach to answering these questions.
Tue, 15 January 2008
In this Episode we add some more thoughts on making a living as an improviser including some practical suggestions. We then cover the topic of auditioning and how to make them worthwhile even if you don't get the gig. Finally we answer some great questions posed by you, our listeners.
Direct download: Episode_15_More_Living_Auditions__Questions.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:14am EDT |
Sat, 5 January 2008
Zen is nothing if not practical. After all, it is all about what is. In this episode we address the question of whether or not you can make a living and a life using Improv. The answer is yes...and no. As in all things Zen the answer must include you in the equation. The answer can only be supplied by you, but we help by framing the important questions. As usual we offer some practical tips.